Below are the details of closures and restrictions for Gloucester Dock, Gloucester Lock, Llanthony Bridge and Victoria Bridge
Monday 29 October 2012 - Sunday 18 November 2012
Preparations for suction dredging works at Gloucester Docks will commence on Monday 29th October.
The dredging of the Dock and the canal approach between Llanthony Bridge and St Ann’s Bridge will be undertaken between Monday 5th November and Friday 16th November. Due to the operation of dredging plant and the positioning of floating pipelines, during this period it will be necessary to restrict boat movements through Gloucester Dock. The detail of the restriction is given below.
Monday 29th Oct to Sunday 18th November.
West Quay visitor mooring closed. All vessels to be clear of the mooring from 0800hrs on Monday 29th October. The mooring will be available from Saturday 17th November. Gloucester Dock remains open, normal winter opening hours apply at Gloucester Lock and Llanthony Bridge.
Monday 5th November to Friday 9th November.
Gloucester Dock closed to boat movements. No access to the Dock through Gloucester Lock, Llanthony Bridge or Victoria Basin. Vessel movements within the Dock prohibited.
Saturday 10th November to Sunday 11th November.
Gloucester Dock open, normal winter hours apply at Gloucester Lock and Llanthony Bridge. West Quay visitor mooring closed.
12th November to 16th November.
Gloucester Dock closed to boat movements. No access to the Dock through Gloucester Lock, Llanthony Bridge or Victoria Basin. Vessel movements within the Dock prohibited.
Saturday 17th November to Sunday 18th November.
Gloucester Dock open, normal winter opening hours apply at Gloucester Lock and Llanthony Bridge. West Quay visitor mooring closed.
It may be possible to facilitate essential boat movements through the Dock during these two five day periods between 08.00 and 09.00 hrs and 15.15 and 16.00. However, to provide safe passage and to ensure disruption to the contractors programme is minimised, it will be necessary to book passages 48hrs in advance.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this restriction.
For further information regarding this restriction, contact Paul Fox 07711 650418
Enquiries: 07711 650418
You can find all stoppages at the url below: